
  • Top 3 Alternatives To Apache Maven For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 27. 17:31
    Top 3 Alternatives To Apache Maven For Mac

    Find the best programs like MySQL for Windows. More than 10 alternatives to choose: Microsoft Access 2013, Apache Maven, NetBeans IDE and more.

    Summary Discusses how to create an AEM project by using Maven Adobe Archetype 11. This article covers the following development tasks:.

    how to use Maven Archetype 11 command to create an AEM project. how to use HTML Template Language (HTL- formerly known as Sightly) and Sling Models. how to use JUNIT tests within Java files. how to use a scheduler service. how to use Sling Servlets. how to use a basic event handler. how to perform component inheritence.

    how to reference partial page files in a HTL page component. how to work with ClientLibs in a HTL component HTL is the AEM template language that can be used to replace use of JSP when developing an AEM component.

    HTL helps you to separate your design from your application logic. For more information, see Introduction to the HTML Template Language. A special thank you to, and, top AEM community members, for contributing towards this article to ensure it works. Digital Marketing Solution(s) Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 Audience Developer Required Skills Java, HTML, JavaScript Version 6.3.

    You can create an AEM 6.3 project by using Adobe Maven Archetype 11. This development article walks you through creating an AEM 6.3 project by using Archetype 11 and explains the default AEM files and services.

    You can use Maven to build an OSGi bundle that contains a Sling Servlet. Maven manages required JAR files that a Java project needs in its class path. Instead of searching the Internet trying to find and download third-party JAR files to include in your project’s class path, Maven manages these dependencies for you. You can download Maven 3 from the following URL: After you download and extract Maven, create an environment variable named M3HOME. Assign the Maven install location to this environment variable. For example: C: Programs Apache apache-maven-3.0.4 Set up a system environment variable to reference Maven.

    Top 3 Alternatives To Apache Maven For Mac Windows 10

    To test whether you properly setup Maven, enter the following Maven command into a command prompt:%M3HOME% bin mvn -version This command provides Maven and Java install details and resembles the following message: Default locale: enUS, platform encoding: Cp1252 OS name: 'windows 7', version: '6.1', arch: 'amd64', family: 'windows' Note: It is recommended that you use Maven 3.0.3 or greater. For more information about setting up Maven and the Home variable, see: Maven in 5 Minutes. Next, copy the Maven configuration file named settings.xml from install location apache-maven-3.0.4 conf to your user profile. For example, C: Users scottm.m2. You have to configure your settings.xml file to use Adobe’s public repository.

    For information, see Adobe Public Maven Repository at The following XML code represents a settings.xml file that you can use. To create an Experience Manager archetype project, perform these steps: 1.

    Open the command prompt and go to your working directory (for example, C: AdobeCQ). Run the following Maven command: mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.4:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=11 -DarchetypeCatalog=3. When prompted, specify the following information:.

    groupId - AEM63App. artifactId - AEM63App.

    version - 1.0-SNAPSHOT. package - com.aem.community. appsFolderName - AEM63App. artifactName - AEM63App. componentGroupName - AEM63App. contentFolderName - AEM63App.

    cssId - AEM63App. packageGroup - AEM63App. siteName - AEM63App 4.

    WHen prompted, specify Y. Once done, you will see a message like: INFO - INFO BUILD SUCCESS INFO - INFO Total time: 01:42 min INFO Finished at: 2016-04-25T14:34:19-04:00 INFO Final Memory: 16M/463M INFO - 6.

    Change the working directory to AEM63App and then enter the following command. Mvn eclipse:eclipse After you run this command, you can import the project into Eclipse as discussed in the next section. Com.adobe.aem uber-jar 6.3.0 obfuscated-apis provided org.apache.geronimo.specs geronimo-atinject1.0spec 1.0 provided.


    com.aem.community.core org.osgi osgi.core org.osgi osgi.cmpn org.osgi osgi.annotation org.slf4j slf4j-api javax.jcr jcr javax.servlet servlet-api com.adobe.aem uber-jar apis org.apache.sling org.apache.sling.models.api junit junit org.mockito mockito-core junit-addons junit-addons. The following list describes these files:. A - default components that you can use in your project. You can also modify these components to meet your business requirements.

    B - files that create page content, inlcuding footers, top navigation, and so on. For example, you can find footer content in this file: /apps/AEM63App/components/structure/page/partials/footlibs.html. C - configuration information for the OSGi service. D - default i18n files.

    Top 3 Alternatives To Apache Maven For Mac Mac

    E - defines two templates: page content and page home.

    Top 3 Alternatives To Apache Maven For Mac
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